UPDATE 4/1: Though The Apex Everything Sale is postponed, Carch Madness winners will still be sold 4/2, with runners up likely to return later in the year.
UPDATE 3/23: While the full Apex Everything Sale may be pushed back due to COVID-19, Carch Madness winners will still be made available in April.
Circuits and courts may be as empty as Z successor rumors, but while it's a tough time to be a sports fan — motor or otherwise — there's still one way you can still get your NB-Apex Everything fix, and that's with Carch Madness 2020! We've reserved 4 slots on our bench of 25+ shirts getting a rebound in The Apex Everything Sale in April, and it's up to you to vote for who gets cut and who makes it to the playoffs.
You get to play coach every weekday from now until March 31, where we'll be laying up 12 pairs of potential tees to choose between. Once tryouts have ended, only the most popular 4 will make the team, so vote carefully!