• Product Detail Image for While You're Ahead
  • Men's Fitted Tee
    Men's Fitted Tee - Light Grey
  • Men's Heavy Duty Tee
    Men's Heavy Duty Tee - Light Steel
  • Men's Premium Tri-blend
    Men's Premium Tri-blend - Heather White
  • Men's Tank
    Men's Tank - Heather Grey
  • Men's Long Sleeve
    Men's Long Sleeve - Light Steel
  • Hoodie
    Hoodie - Sport Grey (Heather)
  • Women's Tee
    Women's Tee - Silver
  • Women's Tank
    Women's Tank - Silver
  • Youth's Tee
    Youth's Tee - Light Grey
  • Youth's Tee
    Youth's Tee - Light Grey
  • Onesie
    Onesie - Titanium
  • Poster

While You're Ahead

by Salman Anjum
Joest six long months to that sacred weekend in June. Love or hate 'em, one team single-handedly reshaped the endurance racing landscape. Alas, all good things must come to an end, along with say... oh just millions of German diesels. And as the old adage goes, "You either die a hero or race long enough to see your sister team take your crown." Formula E, anyone?
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Shirt Sizing Image for Men's
While our tees are preshrunk 100% cotton, you should expect up to 10% shrinkage for Fitted Tees. For Heavy Duty shirts (slightly boxier with fuller sleeves) expect ~5% shrinkage. All dimensions are approximate. Check our FAQ for more info.
Fitted Tee
Size S M L XL 2XL 3XL
Width 19" 20 ½" 22" 24" 26" 28"
Length 28" 29" 30" 31" 32" 33"
Tapered arm fit, medium weight fabric. Next Level 3600, 4.3oz fabric weight. 100% cotton except heather grey which is 10% polyester.
Heavy Duty Tee
Size S M L XL 2XL 3XL
Width 18" 20" 22" 24" 26" 28"
Length 28" 29" 30" 31" 33" 34"
Boxy arm fit, heavy weight fabric. Hanes Beefy-T 5186, 6oz fabric weight. 100% ringspun cotton.
Premium Tri-Blend
Size S M L XL 2XL 3XL
Width 18 ¼" 19 ¾" 21 ¼" 22 ¾" 24 ¾" 26 ¾"
Length 27 ½" 28 ½" 29 ½" 30 ½" 31 ½" 32 ½"
Fitted sleeves and cut, our softest tee with great drape and stretch. Heathered colors. Next Level 6010, 4.3oz fabric weight. 50% poly/25% cotton/25% rayon blend.
Size S M L XL 2XL
Width 18 ½" 20" 21 ½" 23 ½" 25 ½"
Length 28 ½" 29 ½" 30 ½" 31 ½" 32 ½"
Next Level 3633. 4.3oz 100% Combed Ring-Spun Cotton (90/10 Cotton/Polyester for Heather Grey).
Artist Specs

UK bloke Salman Anjum loves to draw. Though most of his talent is put to work by day as a visual designer, Salman never misses a chance to put his automotive passion onto paper. Currently driving a 840ci as he laughs in the face of reliability, Salman is also a massive football fan (soccer in freedom terms) and follows Manchester United...read more!

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