Dat Sun

by Gábor Vida
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How that beautiful & fair lady silhouettes against dat rising sun, just beyond the skyline.

Of two hundred and forty sunrises, none would be better than deez.
Shirt Color: Dark before dawn
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The Final Lap
For Yesterday's Design
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Dat Sun
Ho-mud-ogation II
Artist Specs
Artist Profile
Ever since he remembers, Gábor has been drawing, mainly cars. Although he has never gotten too close to the automotive industry, he just hasn’t stopped drawing cars. In the 2000s he switched to digital, retouching car photos into different models and customized cars. That was the beginning of virtual tuning in Hungary – he founded hvtm.hu in 2001, which remains one of the biggest virtual tuning communities. A few years ago Gábor started to improved his skills and returned to paper and pencil, drawing realistic cars and bikes. His latest project returns to digital: he composes designs with silhouettes of generations of iconic cars; this is SilhouetteHistory.