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Definitely 911

by team blipshift
You blurt out model names anytime a Stuttgart classic passes by. You think three digit numbers when others just see two round headlights. You think 911 means car instead of firetruck. You are a Porsche Rainman. Join the team.
(Ships by Christmas, US only)
Shirt Color: Muscle Car Blue
Sale ended: 11-27-2012
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Artist Specs
  • Name: team blipshift
  • Location: NY
The Skinny
Your friends don't quite understand you. You talk Porsche and all they think is Wall St. banker. You try to explain the difference between an S or GT3 and you get a blank stare back. You describe slow in, fast out and they ask how fast will it go. That's OK, you are not alone. There are others, and they are the proud team members of Rainmans Porsche.