Eye of the Tiger
While you most likely have no idea what your drive has in store for you, it does invoke the feeling of riding a tiger. You don't quite know what way it'll try to bite you today, but the exhilaration of being behind the reigns is worth the trouble.
Shirt Color: Predator Warm Grey
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Artist Specs
- Name: Matthew McCarthy
- Location: Saint Augustine, FL
Artist Profile
Matt is a photographer by day, illustrator by... random times. Matt’s photographic passion lies in all things automotive, with a focus (pun intended) aimed mainly towards ‘Merican cars of the muscle variety. Matt can usually be found at the big car shows in NE and Central Florida. He’ll be the one curiously lying on the ground, soaked in wet grass stains, eyes fixed through the view of his camera while ants turn him into their new favorite snack.