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Tags: lime rock park, lrp, racing

Since 1957 - Wholesale

by Simon Paul
When you're here, you're trying to squeeze out every last drop of talent you've got. Like Paul Newman used to say, "When life gives you limes, make the apex." Or something like that. We may have misheard him. He was going pretty fast and we were sitting up on the hill. 
Shirt Color: Fresh Asphalt Black
Sale ended: 10-20-2014
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Artist Specs
Artist Profile
Simon Paul is a user interface designer and photography hobbyist. He has a background in industrial design and has had a passion for drawing since he was three years old. Simon is actively engaged in the design community and frequents local IDSA and IxDA events. He’s obsessed with always improving the user experience through research and user feedback. When he’s not designing websites, Simon is wrenching on cars or taking photos at a local autocross event.

Simon is the grand prize winner of our Lime Rock Park Tee Design Contest. Congrats to Simon and our other winners, Joe Clark, Benjamin Duell and Andrew Barca. More details here.