Theory of Rela2vity
A bit of snap oversteer? Don't look back in anger - rejoice! You've got a sweet engine, in the right place, purring away. Just check out Mr. 2's theory of rela-two-vity, and remember the 3S's: speed, snap, and smiles.
Idea by Rolf de Vries
Idea by Rolf de Vries
Shirt Color: Cool equation blue
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Artist Specs
- Name: Adrian Precupeanu
- Location: Cluj County, Romania
Artist Profile
Adrian is a college student from the Transylvania region. He's studying informatics to become a programmer, but has always loved drawing and cars, so when discovering Blipshift he immediately knew what to do.
Adrian is currently trying to rescue an M52 swapped E30 wagon that has been sitting for years, since it's his favorite car of all time.