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Weissock Pack (3 Pairs) (v1)

by team blipshift
There's a lot of options packages to choose from, but when you want to keep your heel-toes happy choose the Weissock Pack. A trio of LeMans liveries to make sure you Stuttgart your day off on the right foot.
Shirt Color: Pink with Deep Red Details | Navy Blue with Red, White and Gold | Black & White Pasha
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The Final Lap
For Yesterday's Design
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Weissock Pack (3 Pairs) (v1)
SR-ious Business
Artist Specs
  • Name: team blipshift
  • Location: NY
The Skinny
These are casual dress socks. You know, the kind you wear when your feet need to look fancy, like those times when you emerge from your bathroom from a cloud of Brut by Faberge.

These are appropriately used to "stick-shift it" to the man when you're stuck in your grueling annual performance review and your boss is telling you to stop playing with online car configurators during work hours.

Not rated for marathon use, unless you plan on completing the 26.2 miles behind the wheel (Rally-thon?).