Your Sim Setup Winners!
Being secured indoors may not be as exciting as being harnessed in a racing seat, but that's no excuse not to refine your racing line and commit some track layouts to memory! Thanks to the magic of accessible sim racing, these apexers showed via their entries into the Rate My Rig Photo Contest that you can work on your driver mod with all kinds of budgets and setups!
Of all the righteous rigs, the $100 grand prize goes to Peter Schaefer with his setup. It may not be the fanciest, or the most realistic, but Peter saw what he had kicking around the garage and a blank wall and said: "I'm gonna go racing". Apex Everything!

It wasn't just Peter that came away with some swag credit though, as these honorable mentions will also be taking home $25 in future BS apparel.
Best Family Rig
Gotta start 'em young! Ryan Golom's little one doesn't need a racing license or SNELL bucket to turn some laps.

Best Reality Show Rig
Because Miata is always the answer, Nix Roseborrough is getting that muscle memory locked in with her realistic NB dashboard and controls setup.

Best Racing RIg
For the racer that attacks tracks like they do spreadsheets, Grant Henderson's rig mixes realism with the ease of data gathering in the virtual world.