
by Chad Seip
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Most prefer to round up, but when living a quarter (s)mile at a time, the trick is to round down with the ole' coupe dupe. 14 second 1/4 mile rounds down to the nearest 10 seconds, right? Just as this car is a sports car hiding as a rental car, it wears many masks. But hey, the world needs wannabe's.
Shirt Color: Blue Balt
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The Final Lap
For Yesterday's Design
Sale ends in: 
Tunnelzilla II
Artist Specs
  • Name: Chad Seip
  • Location: Ontario, Canada
Artist Profile
Chad started life on 2 wheels but found it doesn't matter the number of wheels, just how fast they spin. There has been plenty rubber left on race tracks or in parking lots attacking cones. A 15 year career in art strangely lead back to motorcycles at a Ducati more!