Strassenversion 1.0

by Evgeniy Yudin
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Usually your 1.0 release is plagued by bugs and glitches, but the brainiacs at Stuttgart managed to release an awesome all wheel drive monster out of the gate. Turns out that development can be pretty fun when racing is your beta testing.
Shirt Color: Grey-ta Testing
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The Final Lap
For Yesterday's Design
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Strassenversion 1.0
Tri-star Supercar
Artist Specs
  • Name: Evgeniy Yudin
  • Location: Moscow, Russia
  • Website/FB: Mazok Pixels
Artist Profile
Evgeniy is a freelance pixel artist and badass indie developer, with his signature style lending itself games like Goal Hero, The Tribe, Space Incident, and SMASHBASH. In his work he's also worked with JackU and got respect from Kojima! You can see more of his awesome pixel art on his Behance page.