Just because we were taking a road trip down to Daytona, it doesn't mean we can't "accidentally make a wrong turn" along the way. Oooh look, Bimmers!

Elvis 507 BMW

First Stop was the BMW Zentrum Museum, now showcasing Elvis' gorgeous restored 507 roadster. What a classic.

BMW Z8 Roadster

Pretty easy to see where the design inspiration came from for this rare BMW Z8. All these looks with the heart of an M5? Yes please.

Isetta Wheels

A micro car with micro wheels. These Isetta dinner plates were so clean you could eat off of 'em.

A classic in the making. Orange is the new black for the M4 GTS. 

The adjustable splitter is just itching to bite your ankles off.

Though the museum was awesome, the BMW CCA Foundation is the place to be for Bimmer fans. Can we pleeease take these home?

You spin me right round baby right round. BMW 2002 'Roundie', plus BBQ sauce.

Be still my beating S14 heart.

Quick! Somebody get Kubica and Heidfeld. Lets go racing again!

Capping off the day was a stop by the BMW Performance Center to say hi to our speedy instructor friends. We're gonna need one of these...

The air is alive with the sound of music.

Our golden chariot awaits. Let us be gone with haste!

It's no "Moar Better", but the Performance Center still has some awesome swag.